Friday, September 18, 2015

Homeschooling Moments

Another rainy day, but Dallin sure looks cute reading the Boxcar Children, in the entry way, on a yoga ball. Love these moments.

This keeping up with blogging again, is not coming naturally!

I actually kind of forgot I was "doing it again" until yesterday.

I had taken the boys to get hair cuts, the conversation Dallin had with his stylist was so cute, I thought, man I wish I could remember this. Then I was like, oh yeah, I used to blog this stuff. I should do that!

My boys are kind of shy. They don't engage in conversation with people they don't know a whole lot.
There are a few exceptions, like our dentist, Dallin's always been willing to talk his ear off. However, over all, it's something I typically find myself having to encourage.

Yesterday Dallin was on a roll though!

Hair Stylist (HS from here on out): Do you like school?

Dallin: No

Something about homeschooled, HS may have remembered this from cutting my boys hair before.

HS: Well is your mom a good teacher.

Dallin: Yes, my moms a good teacher, I just don't like school.

HS: Do you ever get to do any fun experiments?

Dallin: Yes

HS: What kind of experiments?

Dallin: Mostly ones with candy

HS: With candy? Can you tell me about one?

Dallin: Tells her about making a snickers float, how you have to add a bunch of salt.

HS: I didn't know you could make a Snickers float with salt.

Conversation moves on to her asking if he knows what he will be for Halloween.

Dallin: Yes, I am going to be a firefighter. My mom didn't want to buy another costume.

HS: Empathetic acknowledgement

Dallin: But my mom said if I was the fireman she would pay me $10!

HS: Oh wow! I wish my mom would do that!

Dallin: Yeah, and it's going to be unique because my moms going to make me a shirt.

HS: What's unique about that?

Dallin: I am going to be an American Ninja Warrior fire fighter, because there is one. Then he goes into detail on how I will be making his shirt.

Conversation moves over to candy.

HS: Ask about his favorite candy

Dallin: Snickers. Then he tells her all about how last year he had too many snickers, so he's going to try and be more conservative this year with them.

HS: Gushes all over his use of the word conservative, ask how old he is, as where he learned a word like conservative. Says she didn't know what the word meant until she was like 17.

Dallin: I'm self taught!

Other HS in the room: He knows it because he's homeschooled!

Anyway, I am over all used to getting "the look" when people learn we homeschool.

It was nice to listen to Dallin's take on it and while others opinions on our choice won't change what we are doing, it's always nice to hear positive feedback.

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